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Selectmen Minutes 10/24/2006
Chichester Board of Selectmen
October 24, 2006

MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman MacCleery, Selectman Colbert, Selectman DeBold and Administrative Assistant Lisa Stevens.   

Chairman MacCleery opened the meeting at 7:00pm.     

SUBJECT: Department Heads   
PRESENT: Dave Paveglio, Building Inspector; Mike Paveglio, Fire Chief; Patrick Clarke, Police Chief; John Martell, Emergency Management Director; and David Kenneally, Road Agent

BI – Mr. Paveglio has received an inquiry regarding the validity of a signed waiver between the Town and former property owner Clayton Weeks on map 10 lot 32, Ring Road.  Points discussed were, this lot is not on the grandfathered lot list and the Board suggested the building inspector review the grandfather list to determine if in fact any remaining lots qualify for grandfathering, the present Board of Selectmen are not bound by previous Board agreements, and would the road need to be brought up to current standards.  The Selectmen recommended Mr. Paveglio refer the applicant to the Board.  

Chairman MacCleery informed the building inspector of Mr. Mullaney’s request for road acceptance in the Malachy Glen II subdivision.  Mr. Paveglio has no issues that would affect the Boards decision to accept.   

EMD – Mr. Martell had nothing to report this evening.

FD – Chief Paveglio reported a structure fire had taken place last evening at Kosmos Pizza.  The building was a total loss and will have to be condemned and torn down. The tenant is lucky to be alive.  There were no working smoke detectors in the building.  The Police and Fire departments are investigating the cause.  Placement of a temporary trailer to be used for a dwelling for the displaced tenant will need prior approval from the Board.

The forestry vehicle has been purchased for a cost of $5,200.  

PD – Chief Clarke had nothing to report this evening.  Selectman Colbert shared his concern regarding a Selectmen’s right to know what was going on during a potentially unsafe incident that occurred in his neighborhood last week.  The Fire and Police Chief’s policy is to notify the Board immediately when the incident affects a large mass of people.

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BOS minutes
October 24, 2006

HYW –   A meeting has been scheduled for the walk thru of Connemara Drive, tomorrow morning at 9am. Mr. Kenneally has some concerns that are documented in the engineers report from Vollmar regarding the temperature at the time of paving, small cracks in the pavement due to the large roller and additional material needed for the center of the road because the base pavement was not shaped right.  The town’s zoning ordinance does state that paving will be according to the towns’ specifications which comply with New Hampshire Department of Transportation. Also, the cistern is leaking or someone has been drawing the water from it. The subcontractor is aware of the problem and will be looking into it.  The Fire Chief asked the Selectmen to inquire the status of the cistern during tomorrow’s walk thru.  

The last plow truck has been pulled out of the garage and will be inspected prior to the November 1 deadline for contracts to be signed and paperwork complete and on file with the Selectmen’s Office.

The ditching project is nearing completion. Tree work continues on Smith Sanborn and Lane Roads.  

Costs have been totaled by CLD for the Webster Mills Bridge over Sanborn Brook Project and submitted to the State for reimbursement.  This includes the additional costs incurred to repair the under drain.   

A Highway Safety Committee consisting of the Road Agent, Fire Chief and Police Chief has been formed. The town can now legally post the dirt roads at 25 MPH.  

The highway department may dig the post holes for the replacement gate to be installed on Fred Shaw’s property.  This gate is located at the access point used by the Town during the recent beaver dam removal at Marsh Pond.  The Road Agent was instructed to contact Dig Safe prior to digging and to have flaggers on site for the traffic.  

Mr. Kenneally has received and reviewed the engineering costs from Brown Engineering for Center Road. The proposal is for $488,000.  Mr. Kenneally suggested staggering the burden over two years and by having the town do a majority of the work, potentially the cost could be lowered by $100,000.  The Board discussed presenting it before the townspeople as written as that was the intent of the warrant article.  Certainly alternatives will be discussed.

Lisa informed the Road Agent that after her discussion with town counsel, the only reimbursable costs from Mr. Mullaney for Bailey Road are the paving and fine grading.   Lisa will revise the request and forward to counsel.  

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BOS minutes
October 24, 2006

The Board then agreed to reduce Mr. Mullaney’s letter of credit for the paving of Bailey Road to $10,000.

What the town requires for a minimum maintenance bond was discussed.  It was thought to be ten (10) percent.  The Board directed Lisa to verify with the zoning or subdivision regulations or the Planning Board before responding to Mr. Mullaney’s request.


Ms. Carolee Davison informed the Selectmen that work has begun on the library well.

Selectman DeBold visited the site of the removed beaver dam.  The beavers have not returned.  

Selectman DeBold has followed up with NH Department of Environmental Services and learned that Hillcrest Campground has received septic approval for eight additional year round sites cited as P1-P8 on the approved plan.  These sites are for recreational vehicles only.  No mobile homes are permitted.  This approval does not supercede town ordinances or regulations. The Board directed Lisa to compile all approvals from the Planning Board and DES for the Board to review.

A brief discussion was held relative to the zoning complaints received from the Planning Board.  The Selectmen directed Lisa to send a memo to the Planning Board requesting their complaints specify which section of zoning is being violated and what approvals the property currently has if applicable to the violation.

The Selectmen discussed at what stage documents should be posted on the web.  A request has been made to post the proposed budget on the website.  The Board made no decision and will take the issue under advisement.

Chairman MacCleery followed up with the Health Officer, Dr. Ed Meehan regarding the Board of Selectmen’s authority to inspect the septic system at 123 Hutchinson Road.  If it is a health issue, the Board is within their right to make an inspection. A comment was made from the property owner stating she has washed her hands in the sink and the Board is concerned where the waste water is going because it was further stated the septic is capped.

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BOS minutes
October 24, 2006

The Board reviewed correspondence received from Lorraine Robinson regarding the zoning complaint of an occupant in the well house.  The occupant has been removed from the premises.  The Board directed Lisa to send a letter to Mrs. Robinson and Mr. Sweatt,  concluding the issue.  

An inquiry from E-911/Verizon has brought to the attention of the Selectmen’s Office that a zoning violation is occurring Mr. Mark Drew’s property located on Lovers Lane, identified as map 1, lot 4-5.  The property owner has received telephone service and established a new mailing address as 5 Lovers Lane.  There is no building permit on file for a new dwelling at this location.  It has been alleged that the owner is residing in the
cellar hole.  The Selectmen’s Office has two permits on file for Mr. Drew for the construction of garages on the lot identified as map 1, lot 4.  A subdivision took place on this lot and was recorded after the start of the tax year so no records exist at this time for the new sub lot, 4-5.  It is not permissible per zoning to occupy a cellar hole.  The Board directed Lisa to research this issue and draft a letter to Mr. Drew notifying him of the violation.   

Selectman DeBold mentioned his conversation with Donna Chagnon regarding “Make a Difference Day”, October 28, 2006.  Selectman DeBold will contact Ms. Pike; Town Clerk or Ms. Stockman; Welfare Administrator to inquire if any events are taking place locally.  

Lisa informed the Board the budget packets have been mailed to the Budget Committee.  Other than the Selectmen’s portion, two departments remain outstanding.  The Planning Board is meeting on this Thursday to develop their budget and Lisa will forward to the Budget Committee once it becomes available.  The Recreation Committee still needs to convene a meeting.  The Board directed Lisa to develop the Selectmen’s expenses with the data she has to date.   Proposed warrant articles were identified.  To date the only article involving money will be the roof repair on the Grange.  The Board suggested this be categorized as a restoration project and perhaps contacting someone in the restoration field would be helpful.  Lisa will talk with the Historical Society for possible contacts.  

The Town Clerk has been awarded a grant in the amount of $8,060 for the retention of vital records.

The Board will review the proposals for the assessing contract and bring their top 3 candidates to the table for discussion next week.

The Board authorized Lisa to replace the vacuum at a cost not to exceed $500.00.

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October 24, 2006


The following appointments were signed by the Board;

Budget Committee – Bruce Dyke and Lucille Noel
Ballot Clerks – Carol Harris and Barbara Sweet

The minutes of October 17, 2006 were approved as written.

The Board signed payroll and accounts payable.  

A Timber Tax Levy was signed for map 10, lot 17 – Jones - $660.77

Chairman MacCleery signed a Department of Safety Grant Application for portable radios for the police department.

An abatement was signed for correction to the tax collect system for map 2, lot 55 – Mobbs.

Being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 10:40pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens
Administrative Assistant   

Stephen MacCleery, Chairman   

David Colbert  

Richard DeBold  

                                                                  APPROVED AS CORRECTED